Wolf Milk
Hinging around the Roman mythological story of Romulus and Remus — In a realm where imagination meets innovation, the branding project for Wolf Milk is a showcase in the power of storytelling and design. With a fictitious concept centered around a unique product, this project aimed to create a captivating brand identity that would resonate with consumers on an emotional level while acting as a funny modern twist on a classic tale.
The brand concept taps into the primal connection between humans and nature, infusing into the brand the spirit of the wild and the contradictory but ever present nurturing softness of the natural world. Plus it’s lactose free.

Frida's Plants & Vintage
Frida’s and I have been working together since the start. As a new designer I worked on logos, portraits, and promotional material for their two Etsy shops, a plant shop and a vintage shop. Today, they have combined the two businesses into one with a gorgeous, welcoming and eclectic storefront in Melbourne, Florida.
They have always leaned heavily into illustration in their brand and wanted something elegant and playful for their logo— Frida Kahlo wearing a succulent crown. For their shirts we designed some fun recreations of classic designs such as the logo from the animated sitcom, Daria, in addition to a riff on the iconic “Make Art Not War” poster from the 60’s hippie and anti-war movement.
Nichole Wagner
Nichole reached out to me wanting to rework her brand after seeing the work I did for her close friend who happed to be one of my first ever clients. That history made this a really special project to work on. Nichole is a folk-turned-new-Americana singer and songwriter based in Austin, Texas.
She wanted some updated merch for her brand and we worked to transition her roots in folk to reflect her evolution into New Americana with a groovy twist. Her audience leaned heavily male given the historic folk scene in Austin, in this project we aimed to bring a younger female audience into the mix as well. Who doesn’t love disco?!

Logos & Illustrations

This is stuff about Maya
Some days I'm known as Maya Chungbin but others I’m SaltyStill - A freelance illustrator and brand designer based in Honolulu, Hawai’i.
I came from humble beginnings, finding my start on Fiverr after making an account and tossing up some work just to see what it was about. I was thrown to the gig work wolves in 2020 after the pandemic shutdown and my little art fling suddenly became a full on design affair.
I’ve worked closely with 1000+ clients to bring design and illustration dreams and nightmares to life. Works featured on storefronts, surfboards, and a surprising amount of podcast covers.
My style hinges on making the weird and wonky look manicured. As a kid I delved into the works of artists I admired, dissecting their styles to boil down what it is that makes a simple wobbly line look like more than just that— finally to find my own concoction of organized chaos.
Welcome to my little world of visual paradoxes and wavy oddities!